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Ho Chi Minh City - Saigon!

Updated: Jul 14, 2019

July 4-6, 2019

Check this out..N4LM is on the board!

Park Hyatt Hotel in downtown Saigon

Motorbikes and face shields are ubiquitous in Vietnam

Street scenes - lunch time

The wiring looks a bit dodgy

Norodom Palace, palace, renamed Thong Nhat (Reunification) Hall after 1975, receives large numbers of foreign visitors. At the site of the bombing, there is a note written in both Vietnamese and English saying, “At 8:30 am on April 8, 1975, pilot Lieutenant Nguyen Thanh Trung flying an F5E plane bombed the palace at this site."

Tanks outside of the Norodom Palace

Inside Norodom Palace - Reunification Hall. Feng Shui is an important element.

Communications room in the tunnels under the Palace

Vietnam war communications and computers - huge, old, slow

Down into the hidden arms storage compartment

Inside the hidden arms cache in a small shop in Saigon

Photos and paintings of Ho Chi Minh are everywhere

Saigon Central Post Office was designed and constructed by the famous French architect Gustave Eiffel (of Eiffel tower and Statue of Liberty fame) construction of this great Gothic architectural styled building began in 1886 and was completed in 1891 - it looks like a wedding cake.

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